
Jingyang Lin

3504 Wegmans Hall

University of Rochester

Rochester, NY 14627


I am a second-year Ph.D. student at University of Rochester, advised by Prof. Jiebo Luo. Before that, I received the B.Eng. degree in software engineering and M.Sc. degree in computational mathematics all from the Sun Yat-sen University, supervised by Prof. Hongyang Chao. I also worked as a research intern at JD AI Research, co-advised by Dr. Yu Wang, Dr. Ting Yao, and Dr. Tao Mei.

My current research lies in Multimodal Learning with LLMs, AI for Health, and Self-Supervised Learning.


Jul. 2024 🔥 Released the 2nd version of the Video Understanding with LLMs survey GitHub stars.
May 2024 One paper is accepted by ACL 2024.
Jan. 2024 🔥 The 🤗VideoXum dataset and the 🤗VTSUM-BLIP model.
Dec. 2023 Released a survey of Video Understanding with LLMs.
Nov. 2023 One paper is accepted by IEEE TMM.
May 2023 One paper is accepted by ICDH 2023.
Sep. 2022 One paper is accepted by NeurIPS 2022.
Jun. 2022 One paper is accepted by IEEE TPAMI.
Sep. 2021 One paper is accepted by NeurIPS 2021.


* indicates equal contribution

CT-GLIP: 3D Grounded Language-Image Pretraining with CT Scans and Radiology Reports for Full-Body Scenarios
Jingyang Lin, Yingda Xia, Jianpeng Zhang, Ke Yan, Le Lu, Jiebo Luo, Ling Zhang
Fine-Grained Image-Text Alignment in Medical Imaging Enables Explainable Cyclic Image-Report Generation
Wenting Chen, Linlin Shen, Jingyang Lin, Jiebo Luo, Xiang Li, Yixuan Yuan.
The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. ACL 2024.
Video Understanding with Large Language Models: A Survey
University of Rochester, Southern University of Science and Technology, The University of Hong Kong
[PDF][Project Page]
VideoXum: Cross-modal Visual and Textural Summarization of Videos
Jingyang Lin*, Hang Hua*, Ming Chen, Yikang Li, Jenhao Hsiao, Chiuman Ho, Jiebo Luo
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. IEEE TMM.
[Project Page] [PDF] [Code] [Dataset] [Model]
Predicting Adverse Neonatal Outcomes for Preterm Neonates with Multi-Task Learning
Jingyang Lin, Junyu Chen, Hanjia Lyu, Igor Khodak, Divya Chhabra, Colby L Day Richardson, Irina Prelipcean, Andrew M Dylag, Jiebo Luo
IEEE International Conference on Digital Health. ICDH 2023.
Out-of-Distribution Detection via Conditional Kernel Independence Model
Yu Wang, Jingjing Zou, Jingyang Lin, Qing Ling, Yingwei Pan, Ting Yao, Tao Mei
Neural Information Processing Systems. NeurIPS 2022.
[PDF] [Code] Spotlight Presentation
Out-of-Distribution Detection with Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Optimization
Jingyang Lin, Yu Wang, Qi Cai, Yingwei Pan, Ting Yao, Hongyang Chao, Tao Mei
[PDF] [Code]
A Low Rank Promoting Prior for Contrastive Learning
Yu Wang, Jingyang Lin, Qi Cai, Yingwei Pan, Ting Yao, Hongyang Chao, Tao Mei
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. IEEE TPAMI.
[PDF] [Code]
Improving Self-supervised Learning with Automated Unsupervised Outlier Arbitration
Yu Wang, Jingyang Lin, Jingjing Zou, Yingwei Pan, Ting Yao, Tao Mei
Neural Information Processing Systems. NeurIPS 2021.
[PDF] [Code]
CORE-Text: Improving Scene Text Detection with Contrastive Relational Reasoning
Jingyang Lin, Yingwei Pan, Rongfeng Lai, Xuehang Yang, Hongyang Chao, Ting Yao
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. ICME 2021.
[PDF] [Code] Oral Presentation
Improving Fast Segmentation With Teacher-student Learning
Jiafeng Xie, Bing Shuai, Jian-Fang Hu, Jingyang Lin, Wei-Shi Zheng
British Machine Vision Conference. BMVC 2018.


PAII, Palo Alto, CA
Research Intern
May 2024 - Aug. 2024
Advisors: Dr. Andy Wong, Dr. Tian Xia, and Dr. Mei Han
Project: Long-Context LLMs
DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group, New York City, NY
Research Intern
Jun. 2023 - Sep. 2023
Advisors: Dr. Yingda Xia, Dr. Ling Zhang, and Dr. Le Lu
Project: 3D Vision-Language Alignment for CT-Report Dataset
JD AI Research, Beijing, China
Research Intern
Jun. 2020 - Jul. 2022
Advisors: Dr. Yu Wang, Dr. Ting Yao, and Dr. Tao Mei
Project: Self-Supervised Learning and Out-of-Distribution Detection

JD AI Research, Beijing, China
Research Intern
Jul. 2018 - Aug. 2019
Advisors: Rongfeng Lai, Dr. Ting Yao, and Dr. Tao Mei
Project: Scene Text Detection




Teaching Assistant

Last updated on Jul 2024.

Copyright © Jingyang Lin